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As a member of the US Air Force deployed to Iraq I am grateful for the mix of local, regional, and national news delivered on your website. I routinely scan other media websites and find yours to be the most comprehensive and unbiased. It is a pleasure reading it ... when I have the time. Thanks for the time and effort spent so I can get this small touch of home.
Civil Engineering Project Officer

Congratulations on a successful beginning to your sleep apnea therapy. It sounds like you are off to a great start. Stay with it, because it only gets better. I’ve been on CPAP for about 14 months now and I feel better than I have in years. I sleep great at night and feel terrific in the morning. It’s the beginning of a whole new life for you. Enjoy it.
Doug Kinney
Manhattan, KS

I heard about your web site from a friend that lives in Baker County and decided to check it out. I really was only doing it as a favor because I thought it was all about the Baker County area, and I live in Jacksonville. Why do I need to read news stories in a community I don't live in.

You really have a great web site! I love the look of it and it's not like other news websites that are so cluttered you can't really find the stories you want to read. Yours is clear and I can find anything I'm looking for.

I love the diversity of the all the news stories. It's not all about crime and shootings as the news station web sites are. You are covering stories from all over the North Florida area as your name says. The Home and Family section is great and has wonderful stories with useful ideas.

I also enjoy Dining with Dave! He is funny in his likes and dislikes about each place he visits. I have to admit that sometimes he sounds "snobbishly funny" in his reviews, but then we all know what we like and expect from certain types of restaurants. Some of them I've tried and agree with, some I don't and some I would like to try.

While reading your web site I was checking out a story called Gamer by a David Worthington, when my son came in the room, to ask me a question. Soon he was into everything that David was talking about and trying his best to explain it to me. Video games are over my head and I don't see what all the fuss is about, but my son now goes on looking for updated stories on Gamer. It's great to see my son actually wanting to READ stories instead of always playing his video games. How often does Mr. Worthington update his columns?

I just wanted to tell you to keep up the good work! I've checked out a lot of your advertisers too, especially the Winn Dixie to keep updated on their sales, but I would like to see more advertisers on your site and what they have to offer. I love being able to go directly to their web site and check out all they have to offer.

Any chance of you being able to get ads like more restaurants in the Jacksonville area? Furniture stores (I really need to do some redecorating)? Oh yes and some travel info on hotels and things to do in different areas close to home would be nice as we are trying to plan a mini vacation, but can't travel too far because of the outrageous gas prices. Any ideas?

Anyway....just keep up the great work! I'm going to your site now to sign up for the news updates so I don't miss anything! I hope that your web site is around for a long time to come. It's very unique, refreshing and something you don't find enough of these days.
Susan Marsh
Jacksonville, FL

A fellow worker's husband was killed yesterday in an automobile accident on I-10. After checking the Times Union online and not finding any information, I checked your paper. I was happy to see you were on top of the information.

I also was pleased to see that you uncovered an error in the listing of the taxes. Every year at tax time, I couldn't help myself and I would go through the list just to see who was delinquent and by how much. This year, though, as soon as I saw a couple of prominent residents name on the list, I couldn't go any further because I felt so bad for them. I am glad you are posting the truth.
Diana Henderson
Macclenny, FL

Dory Ingram

Mrs. Ingram
Thank you for your comments on my article. I would like to say that I am not an investigative reporter. I am merely trying to provide a snapshot of information for someone who may be interested in visiting Jekyll Island. When I originally wrote the article, it was the size of a term paper filled with historical information, visitor information; you name it, it was in there. I had to cut it down to a few important points that the average traveler would want to know. Now as for the "progress" part. Our area is also going through development issues and our readers have concerns about the changes that will take place. That part was meant to create a sympathetic tone with them. Our readers have longed believed if someone has enough money they will create developments with or without the local input. I understand that your group is made up of members from around the country and Canada. However, I don’t think someone in Colorado is going to have the same impact as someone from Jekyll Island in voicing concerns over development. I’m glad to here that your group’s efforts have been successful, but you have to admit. The new Linger Longer development is going to change Jekyll Island. The average traveler would want to know that.

Jud Johnson

Love your web site. The emphasis on areas not given enough coverage by the Jax mass media is a welcome addition. I have made it one of my favorites. Being from Macclenny it is great to get my news daily and see so much recognition for local sports. Love the cartoons and opinion columns, especially the one called Out Of Bounds. The most recent one really hit close to the small town mark. Keep up the good work!
Steven Martin

To the city and county officials responsible for allocating funds to repair and pave County Road 23-B between the 121/228 intersection and Lowder Street. Kudos to you my friends for having the foresight to improve this already well traveled stretch of road in front of Macclenny Elementary School and the new housing development on the north side of the road. Job well done, keep up the good work!
Thomas Richmond III
Glen St. Mary, Florida

If caring area residents knew more about the cruel treatment of animals used by the Carson & Barnes Circus, they’d likely think twice about buying a ticket.

Elephants used by Carson & Barnes spend most of their lives in chains and are routinely beaten with bullhooks (a rod with a sharp metal hook on the end). Carson & Barnes has paid almost $1,000 in fines to federal authorities for mishandling elephants and for injuries two elephants sustained when a trailer overturned.

Jennifer O'Connor
Animals in Entertainment Campaign Writer
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals


Very nice job! Your web news site looks great. I will enjoy having access to local info as I travel around the country. Thank you for the tip.
Ronald L. Mann

Read your story on commissioners mulling a new building to meet their needs. My question is: WHERE is the new building for the senior citizens of the county? This was supposed to be done just as soon as the property was sold where Walgreens now sets. I guess they have been again shifted to the back burner so the commissioners can take care of themselves.
George Collier

The column David wrote about the lady with the Ron Paul signs.. Teddy.  She is fantastic. If it weren't for her, I'd still be in the dark about all the goings on of the Government. I love her to pieces and am thrilled you opted to print the story. If anyone deserves recognition, it's Teddy. She's one of a kind and genuinely a kind and giving person. Thank you so much.
Becky Hudson