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A family driving through Florida on vacation sees a state park sign and makes a turn off US 27. A few minutes later, they reach the main gate of Dudley Farm Historic State Park. The gate is locked, with a sign: "Closed for 2009." More ... Listening to some of those on the left you'd think that Barack Obama had suddenly announced he had changed parties and enrolled as a pro-life Republican, while over on the right some malcontents worry that he has abandoned genuine Christianity and become a member of a heretical sect. More ... New Year's resolutions are all about throwing ourselves into the future, which can ruin the present moment. We are encouraged to draw up a list of everything we don't like about ourselves and resolve to fix them all, all at once. More ... The economy is in tatters and folks are sour. Thank goodness there's always one thing to cheer us up: male bashing. More ... The crash of the economy and the rise of Barack Obama were the big stories of the last year, and both were hot topics in interviews with pundits, authors, think tank experts and newsmakers. Here are some of the interesting, smart or worrisome quotes from 2008: More ... |